Share Your Message of Hope
We invite you to offer a message of hope that will be shared on @UAZCampusHealth social media platforms.
Project Lifeline, a Campus Health grant focusing on reducing the rate of suicide, is developing a mental health and suicide prevention messaging campaign for The University of Arizona.
Here's how you can help!
Step 1
Consider these prompts:
- What would you say to someone struggling with their mental health?
- What would you say to check in with a friend/family member?
- If you knew a friend or family member were going through a hard time, what would you say to encourage them?
Offer any message that encourages and inspires…
- Strength
- Courage
- Hope
- Inclusion
- Support
- Empowerment
- Positivity
- Compassion
- Empathy
- Active listening
- Uplifting words of encouragement
- Judgement-free and shame-free language and behaviors
- The utilization of resources
- The highlighting of strength in human connection
Step 2
Record a 15 second video of yourself sharing your message of hope for others OR write out a short message of hope.
Let others know they're not alone. Support is always available.