Suicide Impacts Us All
If you’re here, you’re probably seeking answers and guidance about suicide. You may be curious and wanting to learn, processing a suicide that you’ve learned about, thinking about suicide yourself, or maybe you’ve lost someone to suicide. Suicide impacts us all, and it can be hard to understand.
You don’t have to fully understand suicide to prevent it. Awareness alone can turn into suicide prevention.
Throughout the previous Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grant (Sept 2018-Sept 2021), Campus Health and Life & Work Connections were able to facilitate 96 QPR suicide prevention trainings with over 1,970 participants, composed of faculty, staff, and students.
The University of Arizona’s Campus Health Service (CHS) and the Southwest institute for Research on Women (SIROW), are the current recipient of a federal grant through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).